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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dominando el Inglés ......

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...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
Oh, Captain, My Captain!!! buenos dias
Alejandrop dice:
Alejandrop dice:
guats de mader ?
...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
nazin ser
Alejandrop dice:
Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
ai yast guanted to grit llu!!
Alejandrop dice:
...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
(igual se me paso un "to")
...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
uil llu jav jolidais?
Alejandrop dice:
dhe guorquer don jab baqueichons .....
...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
...Dried Peaches, Prunes and other for sale. dice:
ai uil gou tu Las Cruces for a uik in marsh
Alejandrop dice:
gud .... ju jad laqui... mach laqui

Posted by Alejandro Cuevas Arriagada :: 1/10/2006 12:11:00 pm :: 3 comments

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